Retail Investor Market is Stumbling. And it is Good for the Future.

2 min readMar 7, 2022

The latest news from Robinhood seems all but positive for the retail investor market. Anticipating a rise in users and revenue, the figures fell significantly short. The number of users dropped from 18.9 to 17.3 million with revenue trailing behind the consensus of $448.2 million coming in at only $340 million. Unsurprisingly, stocks dropped more than 14% following these figures.

These results might just indicate the beginning of the end. We saw the same pattern last year with the slowed growth of crypto brokerage giant, Coinbase. The retail market is at a plateau and yet, I could not be more confident in the potential of this space. Of course, I must hold on to at least a little optimism. My venture, after all, depends solely on retail investors and their willingness to invest.

Investing is risky, but with risk comes reward. When done right, you can make your money work for you. Precision, strategy, and knowledge are the proven components for success, yet it appears that these fundamentals are implemented less and less as the number of retail investors grows. Casual investing has become exponentially more accessible, but there is no check on the quality of trading decisions. Investors are losing money and the novelty of trading platforms is wearing off. The market is oversaturated with platforms that make it too easy to throw investment at the wrong assets. It is clear, therefore, that the future of retail investment depends on something to change that.

The solution is to transform the nature of trading. Our platform, therefore, is designed to put the quality of trades above all else and to ensure you have the tools to achieve investing success. Professional investors do not put money down without strategy, but until now this is a luxury that could only be achieved with time, skills, and experience. An estimated 80% of retail investors are losing money because strategic investing has taken a backseat. But I believe statistics should work for you, not against you. Alluvie levels the playing field, making professional tools accessible to anyone with a desire to invest. Our platform gives you the opportunity to build the highest quality trading strategies and see real results. Statistics drive successful investment, so naturally, they are the foundation of Alluvie.

The retail investment market might be struggling now, but the growth potential is exponential. All that is needed are the tools to transform everyday investing into profit. That solution is strategy and Alluvie is leading the movement.

